Letter-sized flyer (Portrait)

We encourage everyone to help out the cause by downloading and printing out a few of these flyers however you can, and visiting your local bar, bookstore, or other queer hangout to post them proudly where others can see. Do you have neighbors or friends who haven't heard about the march? Help them join in the fight for our mutual liberation! Spread the word!


Letter-sized flyer (Landscape)

We encourage everyone to help out the cause by downloading and printing out a few of these flyers however you can, and visiting your local bar, bookstore, or other queer hangout to post them proudly where others can see. Do you have neighbors or friends who haven't heard about the march? Help them join in the fight for our mutual liberation! Spread the word!

Palm Card

Activism and urgency are key components to our starkly laid-out graphic. Side one presents the name of the March, in the upper banner… Calls to action; “Join, Endorse & Donate” occupy the lower left section; the lower center section shows the day, timing, starting point & planned route; and the lower right section shows the Reclaim Pride Coalition’s logo.


Style Guide

We’ve turned our priorities into a stark set of guidelines for keeping true to our activist roots, while honoring that legacy whose expression was first made 50 years ago.



Our signature image features a hand grasping to reclaim a full community flag (including People of Color stripes black and brown). The Coalition name and our home base city surround the image in its text.


Queer Liberation Route

A colorful map showing the route and times of the Queer Liberation March & Rally.


QLM 2019 Photos

For photo credits, please write to media@reclaimpridenyc.org.

Videos from 2019

Link to Video Page on YouTube



Social Media Assets